Industrial Design

Safeguard Your Designs With Our Experienced Industrial Design Lawyers

A lot of time, efforts and resources are used to create the perfect design that helps a brand stand out in the market. The USPs, the features, and the design itself is invaluable for a business that can be appealing to the targeted audience and the decision-makers to purchase the product. Thus, protecting the industrial design is crucial for a business to be on the leading edge of the industry they operate in.

The team at Priya Rao & Associates comes with vast experience in Design Laws and procedural requirements in India and other countries like the United States of America, Europe, Japan, and China.

Our attorneys counsel clients on the availability of design protection and then prosecute appropriate design applications. Our team comprises top design attorneys in India who have vast experience in design litigation should a client need to protect or assert their design through litigation or sued in the Indian Patent Office. We provide end to end solutions for design registrations and enforcement.

Our services

  • Availability search & registrability opinions
  • Filing and prosecution of Industrial Design applications
  • Cancellation actions
  • Renewals
  • Civil Enforcement
  • Custom Recordation

Let us assist you!

If you need any assistance, please feel free to get in touch with us. We will get back to you at the earliest. Or if you are in hurry, then call us right away on-

Call : +91-9811310888
